Upcoming Classes

Classes will be starting September 13th 6:00-7:30 pm, we will offer classes starting with 1st and going up. This year, we will also offer Confirmation preparation classes for our young teens. In order to plan accordingly, we ask you register your child/children as soon as possible, we ask for a $10 donation. Registration forms can be found at the entrance of church, families from last year will receive in the mail also. Please turn them into the office. If you might be interested in teaching Faith Formation, send an email to Anne, sailkees@yahoo.com.

Registration form updated 8.3.2023

Registration form updated 8.3.2023

Classes will start Sunday September 13th 2023.

Congratulations to our First Communicants

Congratulations to our First Communicants

Father Hanz and our Faith Formation Students enjoying ice cream!

Father Hanz and our Faith Formation Students enjoying ice cream!

Our Kids

Our Kids

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